The benefits of therapies included in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) enable us to experience a unique type of healing. My approach to TCM comes from the awareness that no two people share exactly the same illness and that treatments should be customized for each person’s specific constitution and symptoms.
Chinese medicine can be an effective tool to use at the beginning of any disease or for any disorder for which modern Western medicine has minimal effect. Preventive measures like Acupuncture & Chinese medicine are an essential part of a long term health plan and can help you take charge of your health to feel better today as well as in the future.
Traditional Chinese medical theory holds that acupuncture, the insertion of tiny stainless steel needles into specific points at the surface of the skin, balances the flow of Qi (energy, vital force) within meridians (or pathways) in our bodies. The Qi can either become blocked or out of balance which in turn hinders our bodies’ natural healing abilities. This translates to us as illness or disease.
Acupuncture helps restore balance to the body, mind and spirit which means it enables our bodies to make the adjustments needed to regain health.
Three thousand years of practice have shown that Traditional Chinese Medicine is a complete medical system which attempts to treat a full range of diseases and is proven effective against many illnesses.
The World Health Organization recognizes acupuncture’s effectiveness for the following disorders:
low back pain
neck pain
tennis elbow
knee pain
arthritis of the shoulder
facial pain (including craniomandibular disorders)
dental pain
tempromandibular (TMJ) dysfunction
rheumatoid arthritis
induction of labor
correction of malposition of fetus (breech presentation)
morning sickness
nausea and vomiting
postoperative pain
essential hypertension
primary hypotension
renal colic
adverse reactions to radiation or chemotherapy
allergic rhinitis, including hay fever
biliary colic
depression (including depressive neurosis and depression following stroke)
acute bacillary dysentery
primary dysmenorrhea
acute epigastralgia
peptic ulcer
acute and chronic gastritis